
East Frogmoore — 2 Comments

  1. I was first into these lakes as youngster with Dad and was about 1966-68.there was no Coquihalla hiway in those days.we came from the lac la jeune can imagine what that was like in a 1958 chev apache pickup.there was hardly a road in spots.just a cattle trail here and there.there was grouse all over the place,moose,deer,porcupines were in abundance.and the fishing was amazing.5 pound rainbows were the order of the day.thecwind comes up in there and makes it difficult for trolling as the stumps and weeds play havoc with underwater gear.But we went back time and of the best times I ever had and after many years absent I am planning to go back and try it again.

    • We used to go in from the Ranch, upper end of Nicola. Was always a great place to Fly fish and just see wildlife up close. Over the years it changed.