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Saul Lake — 2 Comments

  1. This looks great.I have not paddled Saul but I am going to go thurs (27degrees ?)sun wow photograsphs and fish and maybe moose,muscrat etc I’m more interested in the marsh/wet lands paddle It looks open enough for enjoyable paddling I’ll meet you there just before noon.

  2. I went to Saul today around noon.Lovely little lake .East end wet lands are impressive.No moose or deer or anything but loons and ravens.Beautifull day great paddle .I cleaned up the camp sight a bit but it wasn’t bad. No traffic (three vehicles all day ) until 5 pm (Quiting time ) 12 vehicles in 15 min. I will go back.The road (Sawmill cr fsr is rough and hard on the truck. but take your time and you will get there safely.Thanks for the tip.